Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WHAT: Fit Kidz -Youth Fitness Bootcamp

WHO: K-5th grade

WHEN: 1 x/ week. Wednesdays at 10:30- 11:00 for the full summer: June 6th- July 25th (8 weeks.)

SESSION DURATION: 30 min sessions for Grade School Kidz

WHERE: Briar Hill Park-Oldham County Park at Briar Hill Estates

INCLUDES: Fun Fitness Discovery Training includes key components for the ultimate fit kid: Key components include: balance, core, & strength training; cardiovascular fitness; movement skill training; injury prevention; & flexibility. Fitness & Nutrition Education Handouts will be sent home to parents.

BENEFITS: Our cutting- edge Fitness Training will provide your kids with the latest scientifically designed conditioning programs. This training has shown to help youth stay focused on their academics, make better social choices, improve overall health & fitness level, reach ideal weight, build self-confidence, become a better athlete, and reach their full potential for life.

WHO ARE WE:Xcel is the area’s Premier Sport Training Company that works specifically with young athletes on strength and conditioning programs, to dramatically enhance the performance of on-court play and reduce the risk of injuries incurred in sport. Growing up, Head Coach & Owner, Nicole Tegeler, was an elite swimmer and collegiate basketball player in the Midwest. She has masters in exercise physiology, been a member and certified by internationally recognized organizations like International Youth Conditioning Association, National Strength & Conditioning Association, & American College of Sports Medicine. She has worked with various levels of athletes from grade school-semiprofessional.
Fee: $64 for Summer. This is a significant fee reduction compared to our regular fee of $120 for our Summer Bootcamps. Since we feel it is important to offer this type of fitness training to all kids not just those that can afford it, we would like to offer this special for our 1st Summer Kick –Off Bootcamp!

MOMZ…..sign up for our Express Bootcamp while your ATHLETE is training...he/she trains…u train! Melt the body fat with our METABOLIC EATING & TRAINING BOOTCAMP! Drop 1-2 sizes this summer! Call for fat loss details! 472-0517

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